Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scott Brown is a Lying Twinkie

There must have been a deal on lobotomies in the Massachusetts Costcos. I see no other explanation for the election of this Twinkie.

First of all, he posed naked in Cosmo. Who takes this person seriously?

Second, since taking office, he has gone form one gaffe to the next lie so fast it's hard to keep up.

Let's see, first he pimped out his daughters.

Then he proclaimed that the stimulus bill "did not create one new job." I think we all know that's not true. Even Senator Barenipples knows it's not true.

Recently, he sent a fundraising letter to rightwingnuts claiming that he needs money to fund his campaign against the very formidable likely democratic candidate, Rachel Maddow. Except that Rachel Maddow isn't going to run against him. She said so. Repeatedly. He just made this shit up. "Let's see, whose name can I pick out of my ass that would really scare the Tea Baggers? Oh, I know, that gay chick, Rachel Maddow. Mwa ha ha ha ha.")

Is there anything to this guy of substance? Or is he just Brittany Spears with an American Flag lapel pin? So far all he has shown us is skin and fluff. Isn't that the definition of a Twinkie?

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